Keheliya Entangled in Fresh Issue: Central Provincial Council Awaits Response on Salary Deduction for Official Residence

The Central Provincial Chief Minister's Office has reported that it is still awaiting a response from former minister Keheliya Rambukwella regarding the deduction of rent from his salary for the official residence he occupies. Despite a letter sent 19 days ago requesting permission to deduct the amount due, there has been no reply from Rambukwella.

Following the destruction of his home during recent unrest, Rambukwella was temporarily housed in the official residence of the Central Provincial Chief Minister on Malabar Street, Kandy. This arrangement was based on an agreement to deduct 10% of his monthly salary as rent.

While Rambukwella served as Minister of Health and Minister of Environment, the payments were made to the Central Provincial Council through the respective ministry secretaries. However, these payments ceased after his imprisonment in February. As a result, the Central Provincial Chief Ministry has made a written request to the parliamentary secretary to resume the deductions.

The parliamentary secretary has responded, stating that he has the authority to collect payments from MPs for residences located in Madiwala, but lacks the authority for houses outside this area. He further indicated that if Rambukwella consents in writing, the deductions could be resumed.

The Chief Ministry has sent a letter to Rambukwella, currently in remand prison, seeking his consent to deduct 10% of his salary. As of now, no response has been received, according to a spokesperson for the Chief Ministry. The situation remains unresolved as the office continues to seek a solution to collect the due payments.