Crucial Data and Numerous Email Messages Related Xpress Pearl Disaster Deleted: Deputy Solicitor General Demands Thorough Investogation

Deputy Solicitor General Madhava Tennakoon revealed that crucial data and numerous email messages from the ill-fated vessel Xpress Pearl were deliberately deleted after it caught fire. The ship's blaze, which occurred off the coast of Sri Lanka, led to one of the worst marine pollution incidents in South Asia and globally.

An expert report from the University of Colombo's computer unit, coupled with a digital forensic analysis conducted by the government, uncovered the intentional data deletion. This revelation raises critical questions about the motives and individuals behind this act. The Solicitor General has called for a thorough investigation to determine who was responsible for deleting the data and to identify any parties with vested interests in this action.

The investigation has confirmed that data from the Vessel Traffic Management System (VTMS) and the Vessel Data Recorder (VDR), both of which were in the possession of the ship and the harbormaster, were erased. Additionally, many emails sent to the local agency handling the vessel have also vanished. This includes messages sent by the ship's captain to the local agency, which are now missing.

During the hearing of the complaint filed by the CID Police against seven suspected agents of Consensus, it was disclosed that these individuals are connected to the local agency involved with the MV Xpress Pearl. The Solicitor General has requested that a comprehensive investigation be conducted by either a qualified international or local agency. An order has been sought to have the Secret Police oversee this investigation to ensure transparency and accountability.