Modi Extends Invitation to Sri Lankan President for Swearing-In Ceremony


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has extended a warm invitation to Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe to attend his upcoming swearing-in ceremony, scheduled for this weekend. President Wickremesinghe has graciously accepted the invitation, as confirmed by the Sri Lankan Presidential Media Division.

This gesture comes amidst a flurry of congratulatory messages from over 50 countries, including notable figures such as U.S. President Joseph Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin. President Biden lauded the historic election and expressed optimism about the boundless potential of the India-U.S. relationship.

Furthermore, anticipation mounts regarding additional invitees to the ceremony, reminiscent of past occasions where leaders from neighboring countries were invited. While details remain pending, speculation abounds about potential invitations to leaders from Gulf countries and Central Asia.

In a demonstration of global camaraderie, leaders from various nations, including Israel, Singapore, and the U.K., have extended their well wishes to Prime Minister Modi and the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs conveyed its greetings, emphasizing aspirations for a stable China-India relationship.

Prime Minister Modi's forthcoming international engagements, including the G-7 outreach in Italy and the SCO summit in Kazakhstan, underscore the significance of India's role on the global stage. Amidst invitations to international summits, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine has extended an invitation to Mr. Modi for a Peace Summit in Switzerland, emphasizing India's pivotal role in global affairs.

Meanwhile, leaders from neighboring South Asian countries are expected to visit India in the coming weeks, symbolizing regional solidarity and cooperation. Despite tensions earlier this year, Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth of Mauritius and others have extended their congratulations to Mr. Modi, emphasizing shared interests in fostering prosperity and stability.