Ex-CBSL Chief Cabraal and Three Others Released from 2012 Greek Bonds Case


 The Colombo High Court today ordered the release of former Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal and three other defendants in connection with a 2012 Greek treasury bonds investment case. The court's decision follows objections raised by Cabraal's attorneys, challenging the maintainability of the case filed by the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC).

High Court Judge Adithya Patabendige accepted the objections, leading to the dismissal of the case. The defendants had been accused of causing a financial loss of over Rs. 1.8 billion to the Sri Lankan government through the controversial Greek T-bond investments made in 2012. The objections, initially presented on May 3, 2024, culminated in today's ruling, resulting in the release of Cabraal and his co-defendants.