Parliament to Convene from June 4th to 7th


The Secretary General of Parliament, Kushani Rohanadeera, announced that Parliament will convene from June 4th to June 7th. The schedule was set during a recent Committee on Parliamentary Business meeting chaired by Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena.

On June 4th, the session will begin with Questions for Oral Answers from 9:30 am to 10:30 am, followed by the second reading of the Women Empowerment Bill until 5:00 pm. Consideration of Private Members' Bills for the Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers of Sri Lanka and the Dadigama Sri Maithri Pragnartha Bouddha Educational Dhaham Sabhawa will follow. The day will conclude with a government motion adjournment debate from 5:00 pm to 5:30 pm.

June 5th will start with Questions to the Prime Minister and Questions for Oral Answers. The session will then address regulations under the Electronic Transactions Act, Civil Aviation Act, and Petroleum Resources Act without debate. An adjournment debate on education sector issues, proposed by the opposition, will take place until 5:30 pm.

On June 6th, the agenda includes Questions for Oral Answers followed by the second reading debate on the Sri Lanka Electricity Bill. The day will close with an opposition motion adjournment debate.

The final day, June 7th, will focus on Questions for Oral Answers, the second reading of the Public Debt Management Bill, and various orders and regulations under multiple acts, including the Port and Airports Development Levy Act and the Inland Revenue Act. The session will end with Questions at the Adjournment Time.