Gold Heist Suspect Arrested: A Traced Tool Led Police to the Thief


Sri Lanka Police have arrested a 34-year-old man from Piliyandala in connection with a major robbery involving over Rs. 50 million in gold and cash from a financial institution in Ja-Ela. The Western North Crime Division made the arrest following a detailed investigation.

The suspect allegedly broke into the financial institution between the 22nd and 25th of the month, taking advantage of the holidays to steal two and a half pounds of gold and 900,000 rupees in cash from the safes. After the theft, he fled the scene, leaving behind a tool used in the robbery.

Detectives managed to trace the tool to a local agent using its serial number. From there, they identified the dealer and tracked it to a hardware store that had rented out the tool. This information ultimately led to the suspect's capture.