Donald Trump Becomes Official Republican Presidential Nominee

It's no longer presumptive. Despite some opposition, Donald Trump surpassed the required 1,237 delegate votes for the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Now, the first internet reactions and footage of demonstrators outside the venue are pouring in.

In alphabetical order, states and territories and the District of Columbia all officially cast their delegate votes for the presidential nomination. With some states passing on their turn, it was New York's delegation that put Trump over the 1,237 delegate threshold.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas trailed with just over 200 delegates, and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, Ohio Governor John Kasich and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson claimed even fewer. Their names garnered some boos from the convention floor when announced during delegate vote counts.

It was Trump's son, Donald Trump, Jr., who made the call that cast New York's 95 delegate votes to win Trump the nomination.

"It doesn't get any more surreal than that," Trump, Jr. told CNN from the floor.

Meanwhile, outside the convention venue, police have reportedly declared a protest unlawful, threatening arrests or "other action," while giving reporters five minutes to clear the area.

Donald Trump wrote his first tweet as the official Republican presidential nominee, thanking his supporters and promised to "work hard and never let you down! AMERICA FIRST!"
