Watareka Vijitha Thera Wants The Election To Be Postponed

December 26, 2014

Jathika Bala Sena Convener and UPFA Pradeshiya Sabha Member Watareka Vijitha Thera has said that he will request the presidential election to be postponed.

Speaking to local media he has said that in the backdrop of inclement weather conditions which had affected more than a million people, the elections should be postponed.

He has added that he will make the request officially to the Elections Secretariat today.

The Disaster Management Center has said that nearly 700,000 people are affected by inclement weather by yesterday.

Furthermore, Vijitha Thera has also stated that he will today declare whom he will support in the election.

Watareka Vijitha Thera came to prominence several months ago when he launched the Jathika Bala Sena as an alternative to Bodu Bala Sena. The two organizations remained at loggerheads for some time and the BBS even stormed the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, accusing the then Minister Rishad Bathiudeen of sheltering the monk in the ministry premises.

Vijitha Thera was later arrested after he self inflicted wounds and pretended that he was kidnapped and beaten. Thereafter he faded from the limelight.