UN Welcomes Saudi Date Donation for Sri Lankan Children


The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has warmly welcomed a donation of 300 tonnes of dates from Saudi Arabia, aimed at supporting vulnerable children in Sri Lanka. This generous contribution, facilitated by Saudi Arabia's King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), will benefit primary grade students participating in the country's national school meal program.

The donation was formally acknowledged at a signing event on Tuesday, involving representatives from the Saudi Embassy in Sri Lanka and the WFP. Sri Lanka's economic crisis, which began in 2022, has significantly impacted families' ability to access nutritious food, making this assistance crucial for many children.

Gerard Rebello, WFP Sri Lanka's country director highlighted the importance of such support, noting that children are often the hardest hit in times of crisis. "We are grateful for the support from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in diversifying the food children receive through the school meal program," he said.

The school meal program aims to provide up to one-third of a child's daily nutrient requirements, proving essential for many struggling families. The nutrient-rich dates will be served as a complementary fruit alongside traditional meals, helping to ensure children receive the necessary vitamins, fiber, and protein to support their growth and learning.