The best plucker competition among the women workers was held (25) at Somerset Estate Tea field in the plantations run by Talawakelle Hayleys Plantation Company. 44 women workers participated in the final competition and they were given 20 minutes to pluck.
R. Seethaiyammah from Somerset Estate was selected as the best plucker in the competition. Within 20 minutes, she had plucked 10.45 kg of tea leaves. She was awarded a check of one hundred thousand rupees and a gold medal. The 37-year-old is a mother of three children and has been working in the tea plantation industry for 7 years. Roshan Rajadurai, Chief Executive Officer of Talawakelle Plantation Company, said that such competitions are held every year to encourage the plantation workers involved in the tea industry and make them engage in the tea industry. The event was held at the Dimbulla cricket and athletics ground Radella.