Sri Lanka's the total tea exports to end August 2014 amounts to 27.4 Mkgs at an average of Rs 658.81 per kg, as against 31.4 Mkgs at Rs.598.76 per kg for the corresponding period of last year. The total earning from tea in 2014 for the above period amounts to Rs.141.3 billion as against Rs.123.3 billion in 2013, according to John Keells tea market report.
Most of the tea growing regions continue to experience overcast conditions and heavy rains, which is not favorable to growing conditions. The month of September is usually a drier month but several areas have reported on the contrary particularly during the last fortnight. Crop prospects look a little bleak now, unless there is brighter weather to follow. It will take some time before a substantial jump in crop is recorded.
The decline in oil prices in the world market, coupled with the unrest that continues in the middle east. Ukraine has effected the Ceylon Low Grown prices over the past few months.